The AusPATH [Australian Professional Association for Trans Health] Position Statement on "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" (ROGD)

Published September 30, 2019. Shared here in its’ entirety.

“The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) was established in 2009 and is Australia’s peak body for professionals involved in the health, rights and well-being of trans, including gender diverse and non-binary (TGDNB), people. The AusPATH membership comprises approximately 250 experienced professionals working across Australia.

“The term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)” is not a diagnosis or health condition recognised by any major professional association, nor is it listed as a subtype or classification in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Therefore, “ROGD” is an acronym describing a proposed phenomenon, with insufficient peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support its implementation and/or use within clinical, community, social and legal settings1.

“AusPATH affirms the rigorous processes by which diagnoses are developed and applied. These academic and clinical processes operate within professional medical organisations, and are developed by expert working groups of  scientists, clinicians, and stakeholders over long periods of time, with high levels of scientific scrutiny of the evidence-based literature. “ROGD” does not meet this standard, and therefore is not recognised by AusPATH.

“Whilst many have a clear picture of their gender from a very early age, for others the journey towards understanding their gender is more prolonged. The timing of when an individual discloses their gender to others is a separate consideration and does not necessarily reflect the development of their experienced gender. Many do not disclose their identity, rather hiding it for fear of negative reactions from others, including family rejection, discrimination, stigmatisation and social exclusion. The term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” is not, and has never been, a diagnosis or health condition but has been used in a single report describing parental perception of their adolescent’s gender identity without exploration of the gender identity and experiences of the adolescents themselves.

“AusPATH encourages continued scientific exploration within a culture of academic freedom, not censorship. All TGDNB people are deserving of gender-affirmative, evidence-based care that is underpinned by contemporary, adequately endorsed and community engaged standards of care and clinical guidelines.

“AusPATH recognises the harms caused by conversion, reparative and aversion treatments and opposes any such efforts to invalidate an individual’s experienced gender. AusPATH supports affirmative responses to young people whereby self-reported gender is respected, and young people are able to safely explore their gender and expression without judgment, pathologisation or predetermined outcome. AusPATH urges caution in the use of any term that has the potential to invalidate a person’s gender.

  1. WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) position on “Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)”4 September 2018

Presentation by the WPATH Standards of Care 8 Child Chapter Working Group

On September 7, 2019, members of the Standards of Care Version 8 - Child Chapter Working Group delivered a presentation at the US Professional Association of Transgender Health conference in Washington DC. This presentation outlined a significant move toward far more affirming philosophies of care, which will appear in the upcoming SOC V8.

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As reported by community rapporteur Lotus Đào, and Dr. Asa Radix, Co-Chair of the SOC8 Review Committee, member of the Board of Directors of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health and the US Professional Association of Transgender Health:

On September 7th, 2019, members of the WPATH Standards of Care 8.0 Child Chapter Working Group presented on "Prepubescent Gender Diversity: Complexities and Recommendations." Presenters opened by sharing the working group's process and naming the complexity of working within a global context in an specialty with few expertise. Following a brief research summary, presenters established a foundation of child gender diversity as an expected aspect of general human diversity, rather than a pathology.

Furthermore, gender identity should not be conflated with gender expression. In fact, research indicates that many young children exhibiting extensive gender expansive behavior while feeling cohesive with their gender identity are likely to evolve to be gay or queer by adolescence, not transgender. In addition, gender identity is sometimes static, and sometimes fluid. Some children know from a very young age who they are and their gender identity is static throughout their lifetime. For other children, their gender identity may change over time. Presenters encouraged providers and community members to practice respect and sensitivity in honoring children where they are at and releasing the cultured need to predict a child's gender identity and presentation. In regards to the mental health provider's role in working with gender expansive children, presenters emphasized that gender expansive children should not be required to be in therapy. However, guidance from mental health providers are often helpful, especially if there are external stressors (family, school, region) or the child is interested in medical treatment.

The presenters provided recommendations for providers around advocacy, including educating and supporting gender diversity is expected and not pathological; acknowledging and addressing privilege and frequent intentional and/or unintentional negating of gender diverse experience; working in partnership with schools and childcare programs to sensitive educational providers to importance of gender affirmative practices to promote curricula; and more.

Presenters shared a much anticipated report of the SOC 8 Core Competency Recommendations, which are not finalized, including compenents on Training/Credentials, Gender Development, Child/Family Mental Health, Assessment, Therapuetic Interventions, Autism and Gender, Research Knowledge and Continuing Education. Ultimately, presenters urged attendees to promote gender literacy with gender expansive children, including identifying oppressive and violent environmental messaging around gender and critically examine whether or not it is authentic. Furthermore, presenters recommended providers to not fixate on pathology or force "transgender" onto gender expansive children, but to incorporate "play" and "fun" as important aspects of working with children.